Before the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency was founded

In business since the days of the Commodore Amiga home-computer.

Back in the 1980's, the Commodore C=64 was the fist affordable system to write the first own lines of code with. With 0.000985 GHz and 38911 Bytes free for the BASIC operating system, the foundation stone for future knowledge was laid.  

The Commodore Amiga then brought more power and much better graphics, combined with the ability to use a Genlock for Video+Computer combination. Programs like

and powerful hardware, like the MacroSystem VLab-Motion real-time digitizer, were the first tools for semi-professional use. 

First specialized in title,  graphics and 3D animation generation, as freelancer for the former Videoteam "Plus" in 1990 (beside the training to become a retail clerk), it was a short step to sell Amiga based video hard+software.

Being a (good) customer of the former A.R.T. Computeranimation Ges.m.b.H. in 1995, six years of leading their consumer video section should follow. 

With the fall of Commodore, the Amiga OS continued to live within the DraCo video workstation and the Casablanca video editing system, both made in Germany by the MacroSystem Digital Video AG. 

Meantime, with A.R.T. being the biggest MacroSystem reseller in Austria but internal struggles, the MacroSystem Austria office was founded in 2001 by Michael Huebmer. In 2004, the management and procuration of MacroSystem Switzerland was also given to Michael Huebmer by the mother company in Germany. 

Being the leader in a very small and specialized market did not help to outstand the financial crisis in 2008 and MacroSystem Germany had to go through bankruptcy proceedings. 80% of the company was bought by the Loewe AG, a German premium TV manufacturer and the Swiss office was closed in 2009. The cooperation went well and many inventions from the MacroSystem Home-Entertainment-Systems were taken in the Loewe TV's.

But unfortunately the Loewe AG ran into financial problems on its own and had to declare insolvency in 2013. The MacroSystem Digital Video GmbH Germany was closed, tearing also the Austrian office with it. Part of the sales team, important developers and the Top-1 German reseller joined forces to bring up the new MacroMotion GmbH. Switching from the former Casablanca-3 Linux development to a new Casablanca-4 Windows based platform opened the way for new improvements and modern features.

Having a solid customer and reseller base in Austria and Switzerland, Michael Huebmer founded the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency on January 1st 2014, continuing the sale and support of MacroSystem hard- and software.


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